
Can’t Access a 401(k)? You Can Still Plan

By Asset Protection Group | February 13, 2019

When we talk about retirement planning, we’re often operating under the assumption that our readers have a 401(k) or at least have access to one. But we do know that […]

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Protect Yourself from These Common Tax Season Scams

By Asset Protection Group | February 6, 2019

Tax season might be a bit of a hassle for many of us, but con artists love it. This is the time of year that we’re all rushing to complete […]

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Making Retirement More Affordable

By Asset Protection Group | January 9, 2019

It’s no secret that everything seems expensive these days, and retirement is not excluded from this rule! Many of those in their fifties and sixties, still working, wonder if they […]

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Changes to Medicare Point Out the Importance of Flexibility

By Asset Protection Group | January 3, 2019

Over the course of your retirement years, you will notice that your budget won’t stay exactly the same as it did when you first retired. Hopefully, those changes will be […]

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Retirement Plan Contributions Change in 2019

By Asset Protection Group | December 11, 2018

If you’re the type of person who wants to take advantage of every retirement savings opportunity, then we have some good news for you. Beginning in 2019, the annual contribution […]

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3 Important Tasks to Tackle Before December 31

By Asset Protection Group | December 4, 2018

We realize that everyone is feeling quite busy these days, but we do dedicate ourselves to helping our clients identify important financial planning opportunities. That’s why we wanted to remind […]

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Adequate Protection for Your Most Valuable Asset

By Asset Protection Group | November 18, 2018

What is your most valuable asset? Many people will quickly answer this question by referring to their home, or perhaps some other item of value. But what most of us […]

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Is There a Downside to a Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment?

By Asset Protection Group | November 13, 2018

We were all pleased to hear the news of a Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) last month. Those currently drawing Social Security benefits will receive a 2.8 percent […]

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Preparing for Taxes in Retirement

By Asset Protection Group | October 15, 2018

Remember that old saying about nothing being certain in life, except for death and taxes? Whether you’re planning for retirement in the next few years, or you’ve already reached that […]

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Look Out for This Social Security Scam

By Asset Protection Group | October 8, 2018

If a Social Security representative called you, and told you that they suspected fraud related to your account, how would you react? What if this person told you that your […]

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