If you’re like a lot of people, you’re probably tired of reading about how the pandemic changed the way we live. So let’s switch gears and talk about the future. While the past year has been rough on most of us, we’ve developed some new habits that we shouldn’t abandon as life continues to go back to “normal”. In fact, some of these new habits can help you save money for many years into the future!
Grocery pickup. You make your grocery list, load up your virtual cart, and then pick up your order outside the grocery store. Not only is this extremely convenient; you save money by avoiding impulse purchases, and you tend to only buy what you need.
Stock up. When household necessities like toilet paper are on sale, stock up! You’re protected in the event of shortage, but also save money by buying necessities when they’re priced low.
At-home entertainment. While you’re probably eager to get out and mingle in person more, don’t forget all of the at-home entertainment options you discovered this past year. Many of them, like streaming movies or downloading ebooks, save you money over pricier options.Most are more convenient, too.
Taking care of your health. Many of us adopted streaming yoga classes or daily walks to stay busy over recent months. Don’t neglect those new habits now. Taking care of your health also saves you money, because illness is expensive! And on that note, keep washing your hands several times per day.
Keep watering that garden. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who took up gardening over the past year, keep going! Home-grown produce is not only fresher and tastier; it can save you money on groceries, too.
Stay organized. If you took advantage of the down time by organizing your home, keep it that way. You’re less likely to purchase duplicates of things you already own but can’t locate, and your financial life probably feels more organized, too.
On that note, give us a call if you still need to get your retirement plans in order. We can help you analyze your financial goals and put together a step-by-step plan to achieve them.